Enhancing Small Businesses with

Market Research, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Analytics & Reporting,Cloud CRM Solutions

At Total Click Solutions, we are dedicated to building long-term relationships with small and startup businesses eager to expand. We offer tailored packages designed to support your business, whether you’re just setting up or ready to take the next step.

Our approach is customised to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring optimal results and enhanced business efficiency. Discover how we can assist you in these key areas:

Comprehensive market research, helping businesses understand their industry landscape, identify target demographics, and gauge competitor strategies. This valuable insight assists in making data-driven decisions and shaping effective business strategies.

From creating a professional website to optimising it for search engines (SEO), Total Click Solutions can enhance a business’s online visibility. This includes designing user-friendly websites, developing content strategies, and ensuring mobile optimization.


Expert pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to boost brand awareness, attract new customers, and engage with existing ones. Tailoring marketing efforts to align with the unique brand message of each business enhances the overall impact.


Providing analytics services helps businesses track their performance across various platforms and campaigns. Total Click Solutions can analyze data to offer actionable insights, which businesses can use to optimize their operations and marketing strategies for better outcomes.


Implementing and managing CRM systems help businesses track customer interactions, manage leads, and foster customer relationships. By offering CRM solutions, Total Click Solutions ensures that startups can maintain excellent customer service while efficiently scaling their operations.


Technology helps small businesses streamline operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Leveraging tools like cloud computing allows for smoother operation workflows and better data management, freeing up valuable time to focus on strategic growth initiatives.

Enhancing Business Performance

Our Four-Phase Approach

We start with a deep dive into your business goals and challenges to craft strategies that meet your specific needs.

Using advanced tools, we analyse your business operations, market position, and competition to pinpoint growth opportunities and areas for improvement.

We then develop a customised action plan focusing on using your strengths and addressing challenges.

Finally, we implement the strategy, continuously monitor progress, and make adjustments to ensure significant business performance enhancements.

We’re Ready When You Are
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